
Christian Worldview: A Student’s Guide is unavailable, but you can change that!

Everything we think, say, and do reflects our worldview. Basic beliefs about God, humanity, history, and the future inevitably shape how we live. Philip Ryken, a prolific author and the president of Wheaton College, explains the distinguishing marks of the Christian worldview, helping us to engage thoughtfully with our increasingly pluralistic society. Based on the notion that ideas have...

as a useful construct for explaining why we look at things differently than other people do. Since Christians hold their worldview in common with other believers, it serves as a point of spiritual and intellectual unity. Originally, Weltanschauung referred to a person’s unique perspective on the world. But for Christians, worldview is less individualistic and more communal. Because it is grounded in divine revelation, the Christian worldview has a fixed reference point in the mind of God, and thus
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